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The Scouts et Guides de France are a catholic youth movement open to all, recognized as being of public utility.
The Costa de Beauregard group from Chambéry was created in 1924. We belong to the age group of Scouts et Guides (11-14 years old).

We had a project this year to raise awareness about the use of eco-responsible household products. We have therefore created the following website on which you can find several recipes and video tutorials of environmentally friendly household products made by ourselves!
It's simple, practical and ecological, so good job!
The ScoutsThe Scouts and Guides of France are a recognized Catholic youth movement of public utility.s and Guides of France are a recognized Catholic youth movement of public utility.
They said...
Donations make it possible to welcome more and more young people, thanks to the training of volunteers, including many chefs and female leaders, but also thanks to new reception structures, particularly for children and young people with disabilities.
They promote the emergence and sustainability of activities in neighborhoods classified as priorities by city policies.
Finally, they fund numerous activities aimed at educating young people about nature protection and sustainable development.
Thank you!!! ☺
Donations are very important to us:
© 2022 Scouts et Guides SGDF Costa de Beauregard
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